Fall is the perfect time to gather with friends and sample gourmet chili concoctions from our River Bluffs chefs and show off your best costume. We’ll kick it up a notch by having participants blind taste the chili offerings and anonymously vote for their favorite! The winner will hold the title until she or he is unseated at the next cookoff. Saturday, October 28th, 6:00pm – 10:00pm the fire pit and patio area at Porches Cafe has been reserved and closed off for us.
Cook up your best batch and bring it in a crockpot or similar vessel to the area by the fireplace in time for sampling and judging at 7:00. Linda Emmerich and I will assign a number to each entry to conceal the identity of the chef. Votes will be tabulated at 8:00 to reveal the winning entry. Not a chili chef? No worries, bring a dish to enhance the culinary event or just come to join your friends and sample the offerings. The challenge is on!
Costumes are encouraged!