Posted on: May 25th, 2018 Posted in Residents Only

Happy Memorial Day weekend.

We’ve had a very wet couple of weeks here at River Bluffs.  Yesterday’s rain fall was sudden and unexpected by our crew.  We were onsite but were unable to mow anything.  Lots of the yards were saturated with water.

We decided not to mow even today due to how wet the yards are.

So today the crew will be edging concrete and asphalt, spraying weeds and pulling weeds at every home.  Some yards that have winter rye grass still growing up in the turf will be weed eated down.

We are planning to schedule an earlier visit to River Bluffs next week to get the mowing done but it looks like more rain in the forecast.

We are sorry for this inconvenience but thought it was a better alternative then to mow over saturated yards. We understand that some yards do not hold water like others but if you mow one you must mow them all to be fair.

Enjoy your long weekend.


Brandon Yard-Nique