Posted on: January 9th, 2019 Posted in Residents Only

Good afternoon,


Donations to the “Little Red Wagon” program will be collected this weekend by Elsie Freund and Toni Tucker. The nonperishable food donations collected will be be provided to NourishNC to used in their Backpack, Break Box and Pantry programs for children in our region in need of a little help. You may drop off your donations to either Elsie Freund at 406 Cornubia Drive or Toni Tucker at 3563 Hansa Drive on Saturday and Sunday this weekend. If you would prefer to have your donations picked up from your front porch, please text Toni at 910-520-9303. Thanks for your support of this worthwhile program.


As many of you may know, we have been experimenting with opening the bar at Porches on Saturday evenings from 6:00-9:00 and it has gone over quite well. While the kitchen is not open, it is an opportunity to gather and have a beverage and thanks to all of you have supported the experiment. While we will not be advertising the fact outside of the community, we will continue having the bar (no food for now) open on Saturdays from 6:00-9:00. Thanks again for your support.


You likely have seen the extensive work being done on the bluff over the river. There were several questions about the nature of the work and we wanted to clear that up. Our permit with CAMA allows us to install both rip rap (or broken, clean concrete) along the base of the bluff and then back fill that area with sand and dirt. This work is designed to stabilize the bluff, help prevent further erosion and hopefully prevent added expense to the Association down the road. An unfortunate consequence is that we have lost a few trees in the process but it was unavoidable as they were likely to fall at some point anyway. The bank will be graded and planted once the work is done at the end of this month. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and one of us will be happy to meet with you down at the bluff and show you how the project is going.


Please remember that dogs are required to be leashed when outside your yard. This is not only a River Bluffs policy but also a New Hanover County requirement. We understand that “jail breaks” happen sometimes but the issues we have been made aware of involve loose dogs getting into tussles with other dogs or people. Thanks very much for your help with this.

The River Bluffs Team