Posted on: October 25th, 2019 Posted in Residents Only
Hello everyone!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday.
Thank you all that responded to the survey monkey.
Please bring what you volunteered for on the survey.
We expect 50 to 75 people….
Bring your own drinks. You are welcome to bring drinks for others if you want to show off your mixology skills.  🙂
For the “set up” , tents, games,  table volunteers, please arrive at 12 noon at the River Bluffs Park ( behind the Kohler’s house) on Chair Rd.
Based on the current weather report, expect 84 degrees and cloudy. No rain dates planned  at this time. If we cancel due to inclement weather,  we will send an update.
Please bring lawn chairs for your seating.
We will have our own John Distler providing amazing music for your listening pleasure.
Jhansi 910-742-1108
Barb and Don Kohler
Chris Niedermayer
Karen Conger