Posted on: May 22nd, 2020 Posted in Residents Only

Good afternoon,

For the last two months we have all had to adjust to a new way of living with the spread of Covid-19. Terms like “social distancing” have become commonplace and from the looks of it, will remain so for the foreseeable future. As many of you may know, Governor Cooper has moved North Carolina into a modified “Phase 2” in an effort to loosen current restrictions. This email will address the impact of the Governor’s order on River Bluffs.

Effective at 5:00 today the pool will be open. There have been multiple meetings (via Zoom) between development management, the Resident Advisory Committee and CEPCO about how best to reopen. The Governor’s order put limitations on the number of people that may be in the pool and we are opening based on those limitations.  The guidance requires that occupancy in the pool be limited to 50% of its maximum capacity, both for people in the pool itself and on the pool deck. It reads as follows: “Limit the user capacity in the pool to no more than 50% of maximum occupancy as determined by fire code (when fire code number is not known, maximum occupancy can be calculated as 33 people per 1,000 square feet in deck areas, wading pools and splash pads), AND a maximum occupancy in the water of 10 people per 1,000 square feet, AND ensure sufficient social distancing with at least 6-foot separation between family units”. For the River Bluffs pool this means that No more than seventeen (17) people should be in the pool itself (meaning in the water) at one time and no more than one-hundred twenty two (122) people should be on the pool deck at one time, all while maintaining social distancing. Signs indicating this will be posted around the pool area. Other steps that should be taken:

  1. Chairs and tables should be kept at least six feet apart. Chairs and tables should be wiped down with a sanitizing cleanser after use.
  2. Social distancing should be practiced around the pool deck, in the restrooms and while in the pool itself.
  3. Masks are recommended in the Governor’s guidelines.
  4. We (management and the RAC) ask that use of the pool be limited to residents so that guest using the facility are not prohibiting residents from doing so due to capacity restrictions.

Now the hard part about this. There was much discussion about moving furniture, removing furniture, putting markings down on the deck to show distancing and other related topics. The simple reality is that the continued use of the pool is dependent upon the neighborhood’s willingness to police itself in a neighborly, community fashion. What does this mean? This means that calling CEPCO or calling me about users of the pool not adhering to the guidances will have to be responded to and if the problem persists, we will have no option other than to close the pool. The more effective way to handle a situation is to have a conversation with your neighbor and remind them that for everyone to enjoy the limited use of the pool, everyone has to adhere to the guidances and everyone has to work together. The steps we have all taken over the last two months have limited the spread of this virus and no one wants to see that work be undone. Until further easing of restrictions is permitted by the Governor, water volleyball is suspended and should not be played.

The fitness center remains closed, in accordance with the Governor’s order, and we do not know when we will be permitted to reopen it. Porches will continue to operate with “To-go” orders only for most, if not all of next week while we work on getting staffing back to normal. We will also be closing down completely for three days or so to do a deep clean with the staff and conduct training on how limited service will operate in the restaurant once we open. There will be more information about this next week.

Thank you all for your support and understanding during the last two months. Even when we are forced to be separated, much of what has happened over the last many weeks has brought the community even closer together. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend and be safe.

John Lennon