We are now in the season of giving. Our greeters not only provide a wave and smile as we enter the community, they do an excellent job of maintaining a safe environment for our community throughout the year. Last year residents provided generous donations of gratitude to our Greeters as a holiday gift from us. I have collected for them for the past two years and although I would be honored to do it again, I would like offer the opportunity to others in the community. In the past, I suggested that each household donate $30 to be split 40/40/20 among the three Greeters based on full-time/part-time hours. Obviously, this was only a suggested amount, some gave less, and many gave more. We were able to collect over $3,000 last year. If someone else wants to volunteer this year, I will provide my lessons learned on collecting and tracking funds. Please contact me ASAP if you are interested. I started collecting the end of October the last couple of years. You can reach me at lorilee0612@gmail.com or 571-274-7481.
Thanks so much! Lori Nicholls